Ap United States History Examination Fifth Edition Multiple Choice Answers
The multiple-choice questions on the are complex, with answer choice distractors designed to keep you on your toes. It is important for you to develop a system to eliminate distractors so you can quickly arrive at the correct answer and move on.Practice eliminating at least two of the four answer choices for any. Two of the three distractors will be so obtuse that you should, as you broaden your history knowledge, be able to eliminate them right away. The third will be somewhat close—it may just cover the same era as the correct answer.
Ap Us History Exam 2017 Multiple Choice
That leaves you with two enticing possibilities to decide between. Remember, you need the best right answer, so look carefully for any clues in the two remaining answer choices. Does either contain words such as all, most, or none? If the answer is yes, chances are that this answer is not correct. The AP exam does not like to make grand, overarching statements. Check the time period of the question and match it up with the remaining answer choices. Can you eliminate one of your answers because it is outside the time frame of the question?
At this point, even if you have no means of elimination, it is in your best interest to guess—you’ve narrowed your chance of getting the right answer down to 50 percent. With any timed exam, it is in your best interest to practice taking the test under the same time restrictions. You have 55 minutes to complete all 55 questions. And remember, you may not go back to complete Section I once these 55 minutes are over, even if you have time left over in other sections of the exam. Thus, it is critical that you practice so you can develop the ability to work effectively under time constraints.Keep a watch with a second hand or a silent timer next to you as you answer test questions. The first time through, log in approximately how much time it took you to complete the entire test.
Then figure out how much time elapsed per test item. Take careful note of the types of questions that took you more time and when during the test you felt the need to slow down. Careful analysis of your test-taking methods at an early point allows you to determine where in the actual AP exam you will encounter difficulty. You can use this information to focus your study. In, we mention that the exam is no longer penalty scored.
Incorrect responses are not deducted from your score, so you will benefit from guessing. Every correct answer adds to your score. No points are awarded for unanswered questions. Therefore, you should answer every question, even if you have to guess.However, you should practice this simple method to help alleviate the need for guessing.
When you work on a timed practice exam or as you sit for the actual AP exam, work straight through all of the multiple-choice questions and answer those questions that you can with no hesitation. Skip the difficult questions that bog you down or leave you confused. Then, on the next pass, answer those questions that you can narrow down to two answer choices.
Now, you are left only with the questions you need time to think over. Spend the remainder of your testing period answering these questions. If you absolutely cannot come up with an answer, guess. Do not leave any questions blank.One final point to keep in mind: On most multiple-choice exams, students are encouraged to “go with their gut” when answering questions. On the AP U.S. History exam, this can be dangerous!
Remember that distractors are designed to catch you off guard and make you think you have chosen the correct answer. Read all questions and answer choices completely and carefully! Many question stems will have the words “all of the following EXCEPT.” Questions like these give test takers the most trouble, because many do not take the time to read the question completely. The distractors for these questions are particularly tricky if you haven’t read the question thoroughly.If you have prepared thoroughly, then! If you can make an educated guess on a test item, using your knowledge of U.S. History, chances are that you will make the correct choice. On the AP U.S.
History exam, you have 50 minutes to answer four short-answer questions, each of which will have two to three parts. Aim to spend about 10-12 minutes on each question, depending on how many parts it contains.Use the first minute to identify the two to three parts of the question. Then, before you begin writing your answer, create a plan to guide you through what examples you will be using for each part of each short-answer question.
Your responses to each part should be between three and six sentences long.The more you practice writing responses, the better you will do on test day. Provides plenty of opportunities to practice these skills with short-answer questions, practice tests, and end-of-unit reviews.Tags.