Noise Amano Tsukiko Rarest

Kowareta kikai wa yume wo miteiru eien ni samenu toki wo kana deteAto dore kurai no yoru wo tsumugeba Anata wo terasu hikari ni nareruTe wo kotokanai te anata wo otte nigetaku naru kara semete Yasashii sono nukumori ni dakarete sakaseteJust call my name (I wanna be there with you) So call my name (I wanna be free so free) Chiri yuku hito hira wo (After a while, I get worn down down down) Musun de kudasai (I wanna be there with you, I wanna be free so free.) Anata no sono ude de (After a while, I get worn down down down) Watashi ha mada watashi de irareru? Could you get me out of this cipher?Musuu ni hibiku neiro no naka de Watashi no koe wa chanto kikoeru?me o sorasanai de anata no omou watashi ja naku te mo kuuhaku kara mirai he tsuduru shirabe wo toraeteJust call my name So call my name Chiri yuku hito hira wo kazoete kudasai anata no sono mune de watashi wa mada watashi de aritai Could you get me out of this cipher?Just call my name So call my name chiri yuku hito hira wo musun de kudasai anata no sono ude de Just call my name So call my name kono me ni yakitsukete shizunde ikitai anata no sono mune he watashi wa mada watashi de irareru? Could you get me out of this cipher?.

UN agency says Iran no longer in violation of nuke dealA UN agency says Iran is no longer in violation of its nuclear agreement with six world powers because it has reduced its store of heavy water.Heavy water cools reactors that can produce substantial amounts of plutonium used to make the core of nuclear warheads. A recent report from the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency said that Tehran had slightly more heavy water stored than the 130 metric tons (143.3 tons) called for by the deal between it and six world powers.A new confidential IAEA report obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press says the agency verified Tuesday that an Iranian export shipment of 11 metric tons (over 12 tons) of heavy water had arrived at its destination.The agency did not specify the destination but diplomats say it’s Oman.— AP. Trump appears to reveal he is TIME person of the yearDonald Trump has appeared to have inadvertently revealed that he will be named TIME’s Person of the Year in the coming minutes.Twenty minutes after the NBC’s “Today” tweets that it will interview the TIME person of the year right after the announcement, Trump tweets that he will be interviewed on the show at 7:30 a.m. Israel time).Coming up: We're going to talk to 's Person of the Year live right after the big announcement— TODAY (@TODAYshow)I will be interviewed on the at 7:30.

Enjoy!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump). TIME confirms Trump named person of year ‘for better or worse’Shocking nobody, TIME Magazine has named President-elect Donald Trump person of the year.Donald Trump is TIME's Person of the Year 2016— TIME (@TIME)The magazine’s cover image shows Trump sitting in a worn chair and calls him “President of the Divided States of America.”the magazine’s Nancy Gibbs writes that the person is chosen based on the impact they have made, for better or worse, and leaves the question open as to which Trump is.“It’s hard to measure the scale of his disruption. This real estate baron and casino owner turned reality-TV star and provocateur—never a day spent in public office, never a debt owed to any interest besides his own—now surveys the smoking ruin of a vast political edifice that once housed parties, pundits, donors, pollsters, all those who did not see him coming or take him seriously. Out of this reckoning, Trump is poised to preside, for better or worse,” she writes.“For reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2016 Person of the Year,” the piece concludes. Pakistan confirms plane crashed with 47 aboardPakistani aviation authorities confirm that a plane carrying 47 people crashed on a domestic flight from the mountainous northern city of Chitral to Islamabad.Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) Flight PK661 crashed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the civil aviation authority tells AFP.“A plane has crashed and locals told us that it is on fire,” says Saeed Wazir, a senior local police official.

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“Police and rescue officials are on the way but have yet not reached on site.”— AFP. Trump says magazine cover ‘a great honor’Speaking to NBC’s “Today” show by telephone about being named person of 2016 by Time magazine, Trump says “It’s a great honor. Former Bosnian Serb military chief Gen.

Tsukiko animeNoise Amano Tsukiko Rarest

Ratko Mladic looks across the court room at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague Netherlands in this image taken from video Monday December 5, 2016. (ICTY Video via AP)Prosecutor Alan Tieger tells judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia that it would be “an insult to the victims, living and dead, and an affront to justice to impose any sentence other than the most severe available under law: A life sentence.”Tieger was speaking at the end of prosecutors’ closing statements at the conclusion of Mladic’s trial on charges including genocide, murder and terror.Verdicts are expected late next year.— AP. Deputy minister says West Bank memorial to fallen soldiers can be movedDeputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan says he has found a solution for a memorial monument for two soldiers in the West Bank slated to be destroyed for being placed on private Palestinian land.Ben-Dahan says after touring the site, near the outpost of Netiv Ha’avot in the Etzion settlement bloc south of Jerusalem, he has found that the memorials for Lt.

Emmanuel Moreno and First Lt. Asher Ezra can be moved to a nearby plot.“The monuments will not be destroyed.

We will move it a few meters forward and the monument, along with the lookout spot, will stay whole and healthy,” he says, according to Army Radio. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely seen with the father and brother of Emmanuel Moreno stands by his memorial monument at the Netiv HaAvot outpost in Gush Etzion, on December 6, 2016. (Gershon Elinson/Flash90)In March, the High Court ruled that the monuments and accompanying lookout were on private land and must be destroyed, responding to a Peace Now petition.The families of the two had asked for more time to find a solution, but the Peace Now group said Tuesday it was not willing to be flexible, in response to the Knesset pushing ahead with legislation that could see Nativ Ha’avot and other outposts legalized.Morena and Ezra were killed during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Syrian residents fleeing the violence in the eastern rebel-held parts of Aleppo walk past a makeshift barricade made of wreckages of buses as they evacuate from their neighbourhoods through the Bab al-Hadid district after it was seized by the government forces, on December 7, 2016. (AFP/GEORGE OURFALIAN)They’re accusing Russia of obstruction at the Security Council.

The leaders say Russia and Iran claim to want to work toward a political solution but are unwilling.The leaders want the United Nations to investigate reports that war crimes are being committed in Syria.The statement comes as several Syrian rebel factions are proposing a five-day ceasefire in the eastern part of Aleppo to allow civilians to be evacuated.— AP. Liberman cops to attacking Syria to thwart HezbollahDefense Minister Avigdor Liberman admits that Israel is responsible for recent attacks in Syria, saying they were meant to “prevent the smuggling of advanced weapons, military equipment and weapons of mass destruction from Syria to Hezbollah.”Speaking to representatives from the European Union, Liberman does not specify what incident or incidents he is referring to.On Wednesday morning, a bombing near a Damascus military airport was blamed on Israel.

Opposition gets rare win on bill to raise stipend for disabledThe Knesset opposition has scored a rare victory in the Knesset, pushing through a bill that will guarantee disabled Israelis get a state stipend equal to the minimum wage.Currently, the state only gives the handicapped a maximum of NIS 2,714 ($714) monthly while minimum wage stands at NIS 4,825 ($1,269) a month.The bill will also ensure the stipend goes up each year along with the minimum wage.The vote passes a preliminary reading by a vote of 42 to 39. It will still have to go through committee and pass another three readings.“It’s impossible to live off this currecnt amount,” MK Dov Khenin (Joint List), one of the bill’s sponsors, says in the Knesset plenum. “Raising the disabled stipend will save many people from poverty, and the battle against poverty is one of the central fights we as a society must wage.”In a tweet, Joint List head Ayman Odeh calls the bill’s passage a “moment of joy in the plenum.”. Moti Yogev, second row center, gesturing during a Knesset debate on October 12, 2015. MK’s name to be kept under gag until tomorrowA statement from the police says that the magistrate hearing the case of the MK suspected of taking bribes and sexual favors has rejected a request to keep his name under gag order.However, the gag will only be lifted Thursday afternoon, to give the lawmaker a chance to appeal.The statement also says the MK was ordered to remain behind bars for five days, and not four, as previously reported.Police say the investigation is partially the fruit of a piece broadcast by investigative news magazine Uvda.

Trump said to pick John Kelly as Homeland Security chiefDonald Trump will nominate retired general John Kelly to be director of Homeland Security, several US news sites report, citing those close to the transition team.Kelly, 66, spent 40 years in the Marines and led the US Southern Command before retiring.His son Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, and sources tell The New York Times that his role as a gold star father played a part in the decision to nominate him.Trump has yet to tell Kelly, who is out of the country, of his decision, according to the Times, and will officially nominate Kelly and other top national security positions next week. US President-elect Donald Trump’s motorcade moves to a fundraiser at Cipriani’s, December 7, 2016 in New York. (AFP/ Bryan R. Smith)Included in those is secretary of state and Trump says former rival Mitt Romney still has a chance to win the post.“Yes, he does,” Trump tells NBC’s “Today.”Romney, the 2012 presidential nominee, was blisteringly critical of Trump on foreign policy and other issues during the businessman’s campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. So Trump’s consideration of him — and Romney’s inclusion on the short list for one of the Cabinet’s most prestigious positions — has been a surprise.Trump has put Romney through a very public audition process — and allowed aides to take the unusual step of denouncing him in interviews. Over the weekend, Vice President-elect Mike Pence said Trump was widening his search for his top diplomatic representative to the world, and a top transition official told The Associated Press that longtime Romney rival Jon Huntsman was now also in the running.In another development, the president-elect, appearing at a Manhattan transition fundraiser Wednesday, has announced that he selected Iowa Gov.


Terry Branstad as the new US ambassador to China. Trump and Branstad are expected to appear together in Iowa on Thursday, according to transition officials.— With AP. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely with the father and brother of Emmanuel Moreno at the memorial site in the Netiv HaAvot outpost in the Eztion Bloc, December 6, 2016. (Courtesy of Tzipi Hotolevy’s spokeswoman)The court had earlier ruled in response to a petition that the memorial near Netiv Ha’avot cannot remain on private land and Peace Now had sought its immediate removal.In its ruling to give until May 7, 2017 to move the structure, which it says should not be complicated, the court notes that it weighed the feelings of the families of the soldiers and the public against the need to uphold private rights and the rule of the law in the sensitive case. Target website not blocked in IsraelDespite rumors that the US shopping behemoth Target blocked Israeli users from online consumerism, the website is back up and running, complete with shipping to Israel and prices in shekels.It had been down for much of the day, with users getting an error message.Earlier in the day, the Jerusalem-based posted a letter it said was from Target corporate headquarters saying that Israel had been blocked for being the origination point of malicious attacks on its website.Target does not immediately respond to a Times of Israel request for comment. British Prime Minister Theresa May, left, attends a Gulf Cooperation Council summit on December 7, 2016, in the Bahraini capital Manama.

(AFP)Those Gulf nations, especially the Sunni-ruled kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have watched with concern as Iran backed Shiite rebels in Yemen and supported embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad.May says all parties must “work together to push back against Iran’s aggressive regional actions, whether in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Syria or in the Gulf itself.”Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi responds to May’s statements by saying the UK is, “not in a position to accuse others of interfering in regional affairs,” according to Iran’s semi-official ISNA news agency.— AP. Assad: Aleppo win ‘huge,’ but not end of warSyrian President Bashar Assad says a victory for his army in the battered second city of Aleppo would be a “huge step” towards ending the country’s five-year civil war.In an interview with Syrian daily Al-Watan to be published on Thursday, an early copy of which was seen by AFP, Assad says defeating beleaguered rebels in Aleppo would not put an end to Syria’s conflict.“It’s true that Aleppo will be a win for us, but let’s be realistic — it won’t mean the end of the war in Syria,” Assad says. “But it will be a huge step towards this end.”. The car with Italian Premier Matteo Renzi, leaves the Quirinal presidential palace in Rome, Wednesday, December 7, 2016. (AP/Alessandra Tarantino)A presidential aide, Ugo Zampetti, tells reporters that Mattarella will start consultations late Thursday with various party leaders to see where support lies for a new government.Renzi tried to resign on Monday, but Mattarella told him to stay on until Parliament gave final approval to the 2017 national budget legislation.The Senate approved the budget earlier Wednesday.— AP. The Times of Israel covers one of the most complicated, and contentious, parts of the world.

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