Bennetts Cosmetics Formulary Pdf Reader

  1. H Bennett
  2. Bennetts Cosmetics Formulary Pdf Reader List

196Book reviewsModem Manufacturing Formulary, EMIL J. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York.


FOR many of us the word “goldmine” arouses a strong, if somewhat juvenile interest, and this book is described on the dust cover as being a “goldmine of practical formulae and recipes for professional and amateur chemists. ” It is attractively produced, the formulae being in separate sections devoted to food products, flavourings, practical household formulae, cosmetics, medicinal preparations, veterinary remedies, beverages, and miscellaneous.

The appendix gives some account of Food and Drug Regulations (U.S.A.), and there is a classified directory of sources of supply (U.S.A.) and a fairly complete index. The formulae vary from the familiar older type including some “omnibus” mixtures which would defy any analyst, to such things as polystyrene long-wear nylon spray and home-permanent-wave lotions.

Very many of the more modem type formulae use materials having trade names, and these names are not distinguished in any way in the text from commonly accepted names. It is rather surprising to find absent, in a “modem” formulary, products such as rust inhibitors, selective weed killers, plant-cutting hormone mixtures, and even antifreeze. The sources directory, although a fairly full one, would, in places, certainly confuse the amateur. Thus there are headings for boracic acid and borax (different suppliers), but under the heading “boric acid” one is referred to borax. Another heading is “dextrose (cane sugar)“.

H Bennett

It is possible that the analyst might find this book of some value in examining a commercial product, although its value, especially outside the U.S.A., is greatly reduced by the extensive use of trade names. One would be interested to know what active constituents one might be expected to encounter in a cough mixture containing “ground life everlasting” as one of the materials from which an infusion is prepared! ANGUSInstrumental Methods of Analysis. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd., New York and London. Third edition, 1958.

Bennetts Cosmetics Formulary Pdf Reader List

Most analysts interested in instrumental methods will be familiar with the earlier editions of this work in their unusual and rather unwieldy format and they will consequently welcome this third edition, excellently produced in more conventional style and size with a good index. Each instrumental technique dealt with is first discussed theoretically, generally briefly but nevertheless adequately, so that a proper appreciation of the basic principles involved is gained; then follows a description of typical instruments and principal techniques of application, step by step laboratory instructions for experimental operation, a few questions and problems and finally some selected references. In addition to the wide range of techniques dealt with in the previous editions, space has now very properly been found for useful introductions to some of the newer methods such as gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray fluorescence.

In covering the large, heterogeneous and expanding field of analytical instrumentation it is by no means easy to maintain balance and in this volume one feels, that from the students point of view at least, there is some lack of proportion in the very full treatment accorded to, say, flame photometry (40 pages) compared with all other emission spectrographic methods (some 33 pages). The references selected for further reading are for the most part very judicious but perhaps the European reader may wish to augment the recommendations in a few cases; Courteney Phillips’ useful introduction to gas chromatography is referred to in the text (page 349) but the promise that it will be “listed at the end of the chapter” is unfulfilled. The book has well over 300 illustrations which are generally excellent although the instructional value of some of those depicting little more than instrument consoles may be doubted. As one of the few texts which attempts to deal with the whole field of instrumental methods of analysis, this reasonably priced, up-to-date volume is definitely to be recommended, although it must be borne in mind that in the instrument description sections, quite naturally, American instruments figure predominantly.

Book Bennett, H., 1910dc.identifier.barcode: 148dc.identifier.origpath: /data3/upload/0064/300dc.identifier.copyno: 1dc.identifier.uri: C-DAK, Kolkatadc.description.main: 1dc.description.tagged: 0dc.description.totalpages: 650dc.format.mimetype: application/pdfdc.language.iso: Englishdc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of Indiadc.publisher: D. Need for speed hot pursuit 2 online. Van Nostrand Co., New Yorkdc.rights: In Public Domaindc.source.library: Central Library, Visva-bharatidc.subject.classification: Natural Sciencesdc.subject.classification: Chemistry. Mineralogydc.subject.classification: Practical Laboratory Chemistry. Preparative And Experimental Chemistrydc.subject.keywords: Metals And Treatmentdc.subject.keywords: Pharmaceutical Preparationsdc.subject.keywords: Chemical Technologydc.title: The Chemical Formulary Vol.